
Reminder to Everyone!

Mad-Hyphy thing of the day: Not spoiling books for people.

people have somehow acquired early copies of the long-anticipated seventh Harry Potter book. As a proud fan girl of the series, I realize that other fans might want to know what happens to Harry and his friends, along with the fate of the rest of the characters. Although it may be considered 'cheating' and is looked down upon by most others, simply reading it and keeping quiet is fine.

Spoiling the series for the rest of us is not.

As JK Rowling said herself on her website, we need to all wait untill 12:01 am of this upcoming saturday. The book is released in less than two days, people, is that too much to wait?

And as a reminder, I urge all of you not to go on any public forums on friday. People in Europe could be discussing the book, and others are more than happy to ruin your fun. That's what happened to me last book. Don't don't don't go on a forum!

Well, I hope you're having fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't like people who spoil things. It sucks the fun out of life. It's like telling someone what you got them for Christmas (or Hannuka or Kwanza or any other Holiday you celebrate) it ruins the surprise. Surprises make life fun, if it weren't for surprises life would be like a predictable movie. Speaking of Harry Potter, I won't spoil anything but I will say that it's an AWESOME book.

only love, Wild