
So anyway...

Mad-Hyphy Thing of the Day: Peace and love and mah-n-ga.
After talking to my dear friend Gracie three seconds ago, I realized a sad, sad, sad, truth.

Not many people understand wannabemos.

No, people these days are too busy being incredibly mean to these poor, lost souls. Just look up 'Marilyn Manson' on Urban Dictionary and you will find an onslaught of people determined to insult and bash those confused wannabemos. I guess they forgot that we were all wannabemos at one point in time, nervously shopping around Hot Topic (Those all look the same. I mean really, they do.) and learning the lyrics to My Chemical Romance tunes. The 'emo elite' forget that if they deter young blood from joining that which is goth, one day there will no longer be eyeliner-wearing, shaggy-haired, Black Sabbath-loving teenagers around. And personally? I'd rather have the 'posers' around with the 'real' emos, than the death of all we hold so dear.

Oh, and before I forget: Hi, Gracie.



Mad-Hyphy Thing of the Day: Icons. I mean, what else did you expect?

Oops, I lied. I'm not through with my Harry Potter obesession. Actually, it's found new life, this time, as icons!

Yes, I, Fangirl, have fallen in love with those little 100x100 squares of goodness. I'm planning on putting all my favorites on to my iPod, so that I may look at them and marvel at how wonderous they are at any time. I'm also stocking up on various anime ones. Wanna know why? BECAUSE I LOVE ICONS! HA HA! HA HA HA!

...Okay, all things neurotic aside, I still like icons. And who knows? Maybe you like 'em too. ;)


A Call To Action!

Mad-Hyphy Thing of the Day: Staying the (fanfiction) course!

So the Harry Potter series has finally ended. Forget your questions about Draco and Ron and the Hallows themselves, (what point did they serve, anyway?!) and turn around and face the scariest question the Potterverse has faced yet:

Is Harry Potter fan fiction done for?

Personally, I see little or no need for it to end. Why not elaborate about the final chapters, or what happens after the epilogue? And what about the Harmony (HarryxHermione) shippers, who were loyal to writing, even if they did scare the bajeepers outta us? The masses agree that there were still questions and ideas left unexplained, why not sit down and write out a clever answer?


What about the other great stories and series out there, like LOTR and Inkheart? Hey, there are still great mangas and anime series out there that ended, like Furuba and Ranma 1/2, are those not worthy of fanfiction due to the mere fact that they ended?!

I could go on for hours, but that would probably annoy everyone out of their skulls. so instead, I'll remain a true Harry Potter fangirl, and go out and write to support my One True Pairings. Each and every one of them.


Lack of Hotness.

Mad-Hyphy Thing of the Day: Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy *swoon*

Before I begin, I need to tell you that because it's that time of decade again, the blog will speak of Harry Potter a lot, at least untill sunday. So don't say I didn't warn you.

So I saw the new Harry Potter movie last night with my friend Aggie and her friend Jullian. (Honestly? I don't really know how to spell her name. Sorry.) It was a pretty good movie, and it doesn't hurt to sing the Harry Potter Puppet Pals song whenever Snape comes on screen. But the Jullian and I, being the neurotic girls we are, fangirled whenever our beloved Draco Malfoy came on screen.

In short: We fangirled very, very, little.

It was a good movie, what with Sirius dying and the Order and whatever. But we're still mourning the sheer lack of many Tom Felton apperances in the movie, which, undoubtedly, would have catapulted the movie to summer classic status.

...Good heavens, I am one obesessed fangirl. *head/desk*


Reminder to Everyone!

Mad-Hyphy thing of the day: Not spoiling books for people.

people have somehow acquired early copies of the long-anticipated seventh Harry Potter book. As a proud fan girl of the series, I realize that other fans might want to know what happens to Harry and his friends, along with the fate of the rest of the characters. Although it may be considered 'cheating' and is looked down upon by most others, simply reading it and keeping quiet is fine.

Spoiling the series for the rest of us is not.

As JK Rowling said herself on her website, we need to all wait untill 12:01 am of this upcoming saturday. The book is released in less than two days, people, is that too much to wait?

And as a reminder, I urge all of you not to go on any public forums on friday. People in Europe could be discussing the book, and others are more than happy to ruin your fun. That's what happened to me last book. Don't don't don't go on a forum!

Well, I hope you're having fun.


Howdy, Y'all.

The internet is an incredibly dark and scary place. However, if you use the Google properly, you can find all sorts of mad-hyphy stuff. Like this blog. (Really!)

So welcome to the first official post of The Fangirl Files, the ongoing story of my life, and things worth fangirling over. Like, emo boys.

So let's find out just who I am, okays? I'm The Fangirl, the writer and maintainer of this blog. It's my duty to go write rave- or not so rave- reviews of like everything. I'll pick things up right now.

SO ANYWAY. First off, I reccomend you go and look at my profile, if you really want to know more. Ta ta for now.