

Mad-Hyphy Thing Of The Day: I don't know. At this point in time, I just don't know.

Look, you guys. When you comment on my blog, at least
tell me who you you are. I mean, it's a little creepy having random people come and comment. (I'm sorry, Geraldo, but...I was a little creeped out.)

Aside from that, life is great. I have a new haircut, and I'm going to a semi-formal dance this friday. Axel won't be there, but I no longer care! HAHAHAHAA!!!

[EDIT] WHAT. THE. HELL. People, giving me a link to your blog does not count as telling me who you are. At least give me your first initial. I don't want pedophiles stalking me.


That's It. We're going on an Adventure.

Mad-Hyphy Thing Of The Day: ADVENTUREEEEEEE.

I seriously want to go on an adventure. I am dead serious about this. I mean, I want to get out there and do something of epic proportions, like get to the bottom of a great conspiracy or go to battle with the elements or whatever it is that one does on an adventure.

So far I've talked to Michaela, Angela, Axel, and Jessica, but so far no one has any idea as to what to do. Progress will be made!


Madonna > The Beastie Boys.

Mad-Hyphy Thing Of The Day: Me, obviously.

So a few days ago I was lingering over the Date book section of my local newspaper, and I saw an article regarding the 2007 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees. (You can read the article here, if you want.) It got me thinking. 'Hey, I've been to the Rock Hall, last summer, actually. Who would I, Fangirl, want in the Hall's Hallowed hallways?' Well, maybe not as poetic. But you get the gist of it.

Nominees are selected as people or groups that first recorded at least twenty-five years ago, and have impacted the music industry in some way, shape, or form. When/if they make it in, they get to swank around saying that yes, they are rock stars, and yes, they actually did make it big and have you seen that picture of me standing next to my own exhibit. (Personally, I'd rather see Green Day in the Hall, but I've got about seven years to go for that one.)

Out of the many nominees, I can only think of two that would really get to make it in; Madonna and the Beastie Boys. I know, they're old and no one cares any more. (Well, I do, but whatever.) Personally, I'd prefer seeing Madonna make it in, due to a few reasons.

A) She's actually a 'rock' star, unlike the Beastie Boys. Last I checked, they're a hip-hop group. I'm not saying they're bad, but they need to go off to the Hip-Hop Hall of Fame or whatever.

B) There aren't a lot of women in the Hall. And here I go, using the same mentality Hilary Clinton is using to pressure her way into the Oval Office. But whatever. I just think Madonna should represent the females in the rock world.

C) She cosplayed Mello for her music video 'Jump!' Actually, I think this is the biggest reason I want her in there. She freakin' dressed up as one of my favorite characters (and did better than you will ever), danced around in a way the /real/ Mello would never, and do I really need to say anymore? In case you were wondering WTH Mello is, watch the M.V.O.T.W. Mello's the blond boy with the gun.

So there you have it. My take on who should make it into the Rock Hall, superficiality the way we anime fan girls do it, and a big fat freakin' plug for my external links. Yaaaay.



Mad-Hyphy Thing Of The Day: "DRAMA! WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION?!" "ACTING!!!" You guys rule. :)

So it's been the conclusion of Fall Drama. We've all worked hard to put on three show-stopping performances, and I have to admit I'll miss all the people I've worked with quite terribly. Jessica, Grazia, Axel, Xan, and the rest of you, you've made the beginning of my freshman year one of the best things I've ever done. Thanks for supporting me with this; I'm saying this to the people that worked Crew, the actors, my parents, and the people that cheered me on from the audience. (Clap your hands for Wild Child!)

But now I'd like to take you, the readers, on a little tour of what I like to call...


Franticly dancing to J-Pop- Any time that I can hop around to Japanese techno is a good time indeed.

Spin The Bottle- Oh God. This would make its own "THE DISTURBINGEST THINGS" list if I took it all into consideration. But I suppose the funniest part of this was when [Steven] kept spinning the bottle, and it kept landing on....[Matt]. It happened so many times, and each time [Matt] would scream something like, "Hell no, dude! Heeeeeeeell no!" Ah, priceless.

Watching One Of The Guys Get HELD DOWN So The Girls Could Do His Makeup: What's even funnier is that the guy's like, sixteen or something.

Xan-Hugs: Xan, because he is so freakin' tall, gives out the best hugs ever. You see, you hug him as usual, and he will hold on to you with one hand and spin around exceedingly fast so you are actually off the ground. Best. Hugs. Ever.

Doug: You are not, and never will be, as funny as Doug. Enough said.

Spraying Sky with Ferbreeze (Or however that's spelled.): Ahh, Sky. One of the funniest sophomore guys. I had the great honor of spraying him with Frebrize, because he loves the stuff to pieces. (Note to Sky: Please don't kill me.)

Sitting On Axel's Lap: o////o

So there you have it. High school drama in a nutshell. I'll never forget the fun I had.

(P.S. Who wrote the 'i second wild child' comment on my last post? I really want to know....)


Stuff YOU asked for!


Mad-Hyphy Thing Of The Day: Youuuuu. :)

Because I have received a record amount of requests (One) for me to divulge the identities of people I talk about in my blog, I have decided to give in and tell you who you're hearing about. But not really. You'll know, like, nothing after you finish reading this. Ha!

Cast Of Characters

*Names in [brackets] are fake names*

[Fhangirl] - Me, obviously. I'm the most intrepid freshman blogger at Fujoushi Preparatory. If you need to know anymore about me, you obviously haven't been paying attention.

Michaela - Another totally rad freshman here at FP. Her hobbies include watching anime, reading blogs, DDR, singing the song "Gay Bar", and drawing. You may also call her Michael.

Angela - Yet another freshman. She posts on here sometimes, so there's not much more I can tell you about. She's totally cool and needs to go out with Axel.

[Axel] - He's a sophomore over at Fanboy Academy, which is Fujoushi Prepratory's brother school. To say that I have a crush on him is a wild understatement. He's also in Drama with me, so there is that. He usually dresses in black, enjoys flaunting the fact that he is Asian (no idea why.) I love messing around with his long silky hair. Sadly he loves yuri, which is like anime girl-on-girl stuff.

[Riot] - Riot is another classmate of mine, also in drama. She's pretty fun.

[Xan] - A senior down at FA, who is, believe it or not, ALSO in drama with me! He gives the best hugs in the world. No kidding. We enjoy doing the Can-Can together.

[Wild Child] -An old friend of mine who I went to elementary school with! She goes to a different high school than me, but is hyphy none the less. she has very fun blond hair. I lub her to bits.

[Potterlover] - A little eighth-grade chum of mine who has her own blog. I'd tell you more about her, but you can read it for yourself here.

[Lorin] - Aw jeez. I have no clue how to even describe Lorin. Well. We met in prison the summer of '82; I was in for disturbing the peace and she was busted for smuggling Cuban monocles into the country. We shared hatred for Heidi, that egghead who sold us out and didn't seem to push wheelchairs off cliffs like she was supposed to. She is currently a Parisian Mafia-boss, and can be seen riding through the Paris streets on the back of a woolly-mammoth, chillin' with her homey Thor. She is not afraid to break your kneecaps if you mention Uchihacest.

So, uh, that's it. Seriously. Now you know who I'm talking about.


Fun With Duct Tape

Mad-Hyphy Thing Of The Day: Because no one seemed to care about the Orange Range video, I'm changing it to something yaoi just to annoy you all.

In case you didn't know, I'm in my school's drama thing. Our production is coming up this week, so naturally I have a lot of rehearsals. Because I'm only in two scenes, I spend a lot of my time trying to be as productive as possible. (Read: Questioning the sexual orientation of others, sitting on Axel's lap, and listening to music.)

So anyway, yesterday- I can't remember when, but my classmate, uh, Riot came hopping over to me and some others, hands duct taped behind her back, and duct tape over her mouth. We all freed her, of course, and started questioning her as to WHO COULD HAVE DONE SUCH A THING?! Apparently, it was Xan, the senior boy, who was bored and had the tape.

After aquiring the tape, much fun was had.

We tried to 'bondage' Axel to a chair, we tied up Xan's hands and feet and watched him try to get up, and it was just great.

You should have been there. Then again, maybe it's better that you weren't.


There was a party and music and it's totally great.

Mad-Hyphy Thing of the Day: Soraaaaaaa. 8D

I just came back from my friend Sora's fourteenth birthday party; it was a million ounces of fun. We went out and saw the play/musical/thing Beach Blanket Babylon; wildly funny. They did all these spoofs of politics, such as the Clintons, and Obama, and Cheney, and our favorite governator. They also did many takes on musical groups and people, like N*SYNC (do not ask) Britney, and....Michael Jackson. *shudder* Seeing that last one on stage made me recoil in terror. I am not kidding you. I'd go into more detail, but you kinda had to be there.

Oh, and I want- nay, NEED all you you people to go and watch the featured Video Of The Week or I SWEAR THE WE WILL ALL DIE TRULY HORRENDOUS DEATHS AND IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT. Just kidding. :D Actually, I need you to see it because it is a Japanese band called Orange Range singing one of my favorite songs of all time. Also, it's because the members of the band are totally hot. Except that guy with the afro. Him, not so much.

Oh, and could the person who posted the comment of "...o_O" please tell me who you are? I'm kinda going nuts here. (Michaela, "Axel", I'm suspecting you here...)
Stay hyphy! <3