
A Call To Action!

Mad-Hyphy Thing of the Day: Staying the (fanfiction) course!

So the Harry Potter series has finally ended. Forget your questions about Draco and Ron and the Hallows themselves, (what point did they serve, anyway?!) and turn around and face the scariest question the Potterverse has faced yet:

Is Harry Potter fan fiction done for?

Personally, I see little or no need for it to end. Why not elaborate about the final chapters, or what happens after the epilogue? And what about the Harmony (HarryxHermione) shippers, who were loyal to writing, even if they did scare the bajeepers outta us? The masses agree that there were still questions and ideas left unexplained, why not sit down and write out a clever answer?


What about the other great stories and series out there, like LOTR and Inkheart? Hey, there are still great mangas and anime series out there that ended, like Furuba and Ranma 1/2, are those not worthy of fanfiction due to the mere fact that they ended?!

I could go on for hours, but that would probably annoy everyone out of their skulls. so instead, I'll remain a true Harry Potter fangirl, and go out and write to support my One True Pairings. Each and every one of them.


PotterLover said...

My dear friend Fangirl, Harry Potter fanfictiondom is not over! You must have faith that the loyal fanfic authors will keep sending drafts to beta readers, and after being beta'ed properly, the wonderful fanfictions will be posted on the brilliant fanfiction sites.

HAVE NO DOUBT. HAVE FAITH. (like in the musical Doctor, Doctor a few years back, remember?)

Anonymous said...

Fan Fics will never die. They will become rarer possibly but they won't die. There will still be those determined on coupling Hermione and Draco or Ginny and Snape or whatever else. Authors could place fan fics in the years after the war, and some authors who fan fic the marauders or death eaters can continue happily writing their stories.I personally want to see more stories with Sirius Black (love him!) or Kingsley (I think he's really cool and under appreciated). Like it or not fan fictions will never die.

only love, Wild