

Mad-Hyphy Thing Of the Day: Many, many things.

Last night I was babysitting my next-door neighbors' kids from 8-11 pm, and I'm thrilled to say I am now thirty dollars richer. HECK YES! This means I can actually afford cool presents for my friends now. The girls are great girls, they caused no trouble whatsoever. We watched the first thirty minutes of Evan Almighty, played a board game, and Kylie (the little five-year-old) 'read' to me and her older sister. They're such awesome people.

And, in a stroke of luck, my dad has accidentally dismantled the MOST EVIL-EST SOFTWARE IN THE WOOOOORLD. This means that I can go back to my deviantART account and not have to look at a blank page. Yes! Freedom!

And in conclusion, I heartily recommend that all of you readers (three) go watch the old Cartoon Network show Ed Edd 'n eddy. Why? Three words: Funny as hell.


Anonymous said...

Hehe, babysitting is such an easy way to make moolah. I babysit for this girl and she loves me and her parents are DETERMINED to set me up with their son so they always pay me soooo much. It's great. I don't like Ed Edd 'n Eddy. I don't see the humor really. I like watching CSI! Cuz I'm intense like that...

only love, Wild

Kimberline said...


Good gracious, I have not spoken to you in such a long of a time! Of course, you probably haven't checked this since your last post which was a good... *counts fingers*... 8 months ago! But thats okay. I'm just here to tell you that I miss our heart-felt conversations about high school and the stories we so do write... *sighs*

Ed, Edd and Eddy IS hilarious. I wish it was on more often...